Thursday, February 25, 2010

Creepy Coincidence

Earlier this month, we saw the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare. The play was exactly the same as the original version except this version takes place in America after the Civil War. The costumes and set design were made to look like America during the Civil War of 1861-1865. The director of the play made these changes to help better understand how these wars do more damage than good. Before we saw the play, my mom printed off a study packet from Southwest Shakespeare Co.. The study packet contained a lot of interesting information about the play, including a section about the similarities between Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln. It turns out that both of them were assassinated by men whose first names started with J and last names started with B: Junius Brutus and John Wilkes Booth. Both of these assassins had a conspiracy of 8 men helping them. Also, both Caesar and Lincoln were assassinated when they were 56 years old, both men were Republicans in a country that did not like the thought of being ruled by a king, both were killed in theaters (Lincoln in Ford's theater and Caesar in Pompey's theater), both were assassinated after a civil war, and both had premonitions of their deaths. I think it was a good play, although I don't think the guy who played Cassius was ever told to say it not spray it.;)

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