Thursday, January 21, 2010

How is Home Better?

Every time I go somewhere I am asked where I go to school. Not everyone goes to school. I haven't been in a regular 5 day-a-week public school for 3 years. So I tell them, "I don't go to school, but I do go to an enrichment program called Eagleridge." One time I got asked, "What does it enrich?" Eagleridge is like school, it actually is a public school. I couldn't think of what to answer. So I just said, "It teaches you a little bit of every thing: writing, science, computers........ but no math." Math is the least popular subject to many so whenever I say we have no math, I usually get a big "LUCKY!!!" from someone my age. Or I will tell them I go to school only two days a week, "LUCKY!!!" I do get math but I get it at home. I probably get more math than regular schoolers actually. How am I "lucky"? I have "school" all seven days a week. I'm not saying homeschooling is bad, but you do have school all seven days a week, at least in our family.

ne thing about Eagleridge is that they expect you to already know what they're talking about because Eagleridge is for enriching not teaching. I only go two days a week because I do my main schooling at home. Eagleridge lets you chose your classes on Mondays and Tuesday/Thursday. On those days you get mixed with kids of all different grades and ages. On Wednesdays and Fridays you go around to assigned classes with the kids of your grade. I enjoy Eagleridge because it gives me a chance to be with other homeschoolers. Eagleridge also doesn't give out too much homework because you already have the work that your parents assigned you to do and that is your "home work" (the work you do at home.) And yes, homeschooling is just like a school of homework.

I had a lot of problems with regular schooling. I was shy (and still am) so I had a lot of problems talking to the teacher. I was a lot smarter than the rest of the class so I was doing work that I already knew how to do. You see, I was ready for second grade in first and am ready for sixth grade and I am in fourth. Homeschooling has been very helpful to me because I can work at my own pace. Plus, lunch can be every 45 minutes!

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